Life-Changing Pajamas
Did you ever think there could be such a thing as life-changing pajamas? Yeah, me neither. But I’m wearing them as I write this, so I sit corrected.
My pajamas used to be the old ratty T-shirts that I wanted to retire, and that pilled pair of comfortable but ugly leggings. And then I listened to a podcast called You’re Welcome with Hillary Rushford and she talked about why she buys herself nice pajamas. She made the point that your pajamas don’t have to be nice. Usually, no one sees your pajamas except for you and maybe your partner.
But what would happen if you made the choice to feel luxurious just because? Just for your own sake? What would that implicitly teach you about your own worth?
I decided to give it a try and spent several weeks searching for the perfect pair. I grew up thinking that fancy pajamas meant satin pajamas, and apparently, that’s what I still think. I finally found these beautifully luxurious satin pajamas (you can get shorts for summer or long pants and long sleeves for winter) that you can even get monogrammed! Don’t worry, they aren’t expensive, and even with the monogram and shipping, are under $30.
I have to make the conscious effort to put these on, because they feel too “fancy” for bed. It’s a great reminder to think to myself “I am worth fancy clothes”. I’m worth feeling good when I go to bed. It’s not to impress anyone, it’s just a chance to pamper myself a little because God gave me worth and beauty.
I don’t know what it is about silky pajamas, but they make me feel like I’m a leading lady in an old film. You know how in the 1940’s they had those amazing silk nightgowns? They would sit down at their ornate vanities in their fancy pajamas and have a luxurious nighttime routine. I love that!
These silky pajamas also give me a sense of calm that encourage me to be intentional with my bedtime. Instead of falling into bed after scrolling social media like I used to do, they serve as a trigger to remind me to develop a habit of recreational reading each night, which is one of my goals this year.
My nighttime now looks like slipping into bed, turning on my salt lamp, grabbing the antique novel I keep on my nightstand, and spending the last minutes of my day relaxing in a way that feels intentional and slow. Even if the rest of my day was crazy, I get to end on a luxurious, slow moment. And that’s an incredible feeling.
Get your own pair of silky monogrammed pajamas here!